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How to promote a post on Instagram? From mobile or PC

Paso a paso para promocionar una publicaciĆ³n en Instagram desde el PC

Instagram is always being constantly updated, within its biggest changes, to promote a publication on Instagram has been one of its greatest strategies and without a doubt, an opportunity for those who decide to publicize their talent, product or service.

Although you can promote a publication on Instagram from the app itself by clicking on the blue “Promote” button, it is always better to work from the PC and especially from the Facebook ad manager, where you can have greater precision in detail, a complete visual and correctly create your campaign.

What do you need to promote a post on Instagram?

Con un perfil de empresa puedes promocionar una publicaciĆ³n en Instagram y ademĆ”s tienes muchas opciones para darte a conocer.

With a business profile you can promote a post on Instagram and you also have many options to get yourself known

  • Business profile on Instagram.

It is very important that you remember this aspect, because when you register on Instagram, you are creating by default, a personal account. To set it up as a business account, go to “Settings” and select “switch to business profile“. Once this step is done, link your profile to a Facebook fan page.

  • Your account must be linked to a Facebook fan page.
  • You must be the administrator of that Facebook page, which must be synchronized with your Instagram.

Once you have completed these steps, you are eligible for promotions and campaigns. Remember to optimize your Instagram page or Bio, so that it is as professional or corporate as possible:

A good description where you indicate what you offer or sell, your location in case you have headquarters, mail or phone and your own hashtag, are some basic aspects for your campaign to work, after all it is where it will take users… or if you redirect it to your website, also apply optimization.

Remember that it’s not just about the campaign or to promote a post on Instagram, your message must be reinforced by what you sell or offer and the way you do it, that’s exactly what will make your audience fall in love and make them stay.

Why promote a post on Instagram from Facebook?

We do not know if they told you, but years ago, Facebook acquired Instagram, Mark Zuckerberg ‘s company began investing and in 2012, acquired the platform for 1,000 million dollars as reviewed at the time many news portals.

This opened the possibility of promote a post on Instagram from Facebook’s Ads Manager, which expands the possibilities for companies or professional advertisers.

As Facebook has fallen into disuse over time -and you know it-, Instagram opened a window to the possibilities for both new owners and the global audience of users, who can advertise by growing their brands and the platform itself.

As the feed has changed in recent updates, to promote a post on Instagram can help you project yourself on the social network and appear in the feed or stories.

Instagram advertising has come to enjoy acceptance and popularity for being inexpensive compared to other platforms, non-intrusive and effective, so why not do it? Besides, that on your PC you can create your ad comfortably, do whatever you want to do through your campaign and appreciate the results of your ad… Let’s launch your first ad!

Cuando vas a promocionar una publicaciĆ³n en Instagram debes asegurarte de tener un post que llame la atenciĆ³n

When you are going to promote a post on Instagram you need to make sure you have an attention-grabbing post

  1. Go to “Create an ad”, the button that appears in the upper right corner of the Facebook Ads Manager
  2. Before anything else, define your goal very well: if you want to redirect your audience to your website, if you want them to contact you, if you want to capture leads or improve your sales, if you want more interaction, if you are looking for growth and increase followers… there are several options that you will see below, the important thing is that you have clear your intention so you choose the multimedia material and the right settings to make it as effective as possible.
  3. Select a post that you have already published. Make sure that it shows the benefits of your company or your product, that it presents something new in a funny way, the story of a client… the important thing is that it is eye-catching so that it works perfectly as an advertisement.
  4. From this point on, we are going to configure the campaign: Define the CTA (Call to Action) or “Call to Action” and you will indicate where it will take the user: web, email, phone number or WhatsApp Business. This aspect is related to point 2.
  5. Choose your audience, your budget and the duration of the campaign. Although Instagram offers you several options, you can customize them according to your needs: select your geographic location to determine the scope of the campaign, indicate how much you want to invest and the characteristics of your target: gender, age and interests.
  6. The first time you promote a post on Instagram you will have to configure your payment method, and then it will be associated to your account. Even as it is anchored to Facebook, it will also detect other accounts you have registered. You can set up several payment methods and then you only have to select where you want the platform to debit the payment from once the process is finished.

A great thing is that you can see your statistics from your PC or your mobile so you can do the proper follow-up.

Some tips to promote a publication on Instagram

To promote a post on Instagram requires an image and text that the viewer will fall in love with

Promote a post on Instagram requires an image and a text that the viewer will love.

  • Make sure that your Instagram post does not contain more than 20% of text in the image, this tends to bore the user. It is best to use short phrases or a call to action (CTA) in eye-catching letters, either in terms of color or typography. The clearer and more attractive a publication is, the better the reach, the better the promotion and the lower the cost.
  • Do not be afraid to use emoticons, they improve the user’s attention and reading receptivity. Likewise, make sure that the texts have an excellent writing and spelling. Remember that it must be short so that the user understands it quickly, does not get tired and does not read the whole text, or simply does not read it at all! It will be much more pleasant.
  • Start the description or copy with the most relevant information or with a CTA.
  • You don’t need absurd amounts of money, but don’t launch a campaign if you’re on a tight budget either. To promote a publication on Instagram is not free, but it is not expensive either, it will depend a lot on what you hope to achieve and an optimal segmentation, this allows an economic and profitable price.
  • When setting up your campaign, use some very well selected keywords to help you rank better.

Customize your campaign

Algo bĆ”sico para promocionar una publicaciĆ³n en Instagram es tener claro tu objetivo desde el principio

Something basic to promote a post on Instagram is to be clear about your objective from the beginning.

When you create a campaign, some details that can play in your favor:

  • You can share in your publication an image, a carousel, a video or a slideshow of images.
  • The copy or description of your post.
  • The button: you can choose between several options such as “buy”, “book”, “register”, “go to site”, “more information”, among others. When the button is clicked, it usually opens a form within the application, where the user must enter their data or be redirected directly to the link that you have indicated when configuring your campaign.

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