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How to be featured in the For You TikTok section in 2023?

Cómo aparecer en la sección Para Ti Tiktok

In this article we are going to give you some tips on how to get listed in the prized For You TikTok section (fyp).

TikTok has recently reached 1 billion monthly active users worldwide. And while it’s not as big as Facebook or Instagram (yet), some demographics already choose it over most existing social networks.

It’s no wonder that many brands are trying to establish a presence on the platform, but not all are doing well. So, before you create an account and try to make sense of the platform’s many niche trends, read this guide to find out how to get into the For You TikTok section. Because if your content doesn’t end up being seen by your target audience, why bother with it?

What is the For You section in TikTok?

Saber cómo aparecer en la sección Para ti Tiktok

The TikTok for you page is a personalized, scrollable content feed. It is the platform’s primary content discovery tool, known for its fine-tuned algorithm that produces accurate recommendations based on each user’s actions on TikTok (e.g., likes, shares, views more than once, etc.).

The “For You” page serves as the home screen of the app, meaning it is the first thing users see when they open the TikTok app.

No two For You pages are the same: each TikTok user receives a unique, personalized stream of videos.

Why is it so important to appear in the For You tab of TikTok?

Being the main screen of the application, the For You Tiktok section is where most of the content discovery occurs on the platform. In simple terms, the For You page is where people view TikToks and interact with them.

So, if you don’t appear on your target audience’s For You pages, the chances of them finding your content (and interacting with it) are pretty slim.

Technically, there are other ways to discover content on TikTok. Users can go to the Discover tab to search for your profile, and see your TikTok there. Or, they can follow your account and see your TikToks in the Following feed.

But TikTok’s For You page and spookily accurate content recommendations are what make the platform so much fun to use. In TikTok’s words, the For You page is “the center of the TikTok experience and where most users spend their time.” So it’s no exaggeration to say that no other discovery channel within the app will get your TikToks to as many people as the For You page.

How does the algorithm of the For You Tiktok section work?

TikTok’s algorithm (also known as a recommender system) recommends content based on users’ actions, preferences and account settings.

These are the factors that affect what appears in the For You TikTok section:

  • The actions that each user performs in the application. This includes “like”, “share”, “comment” and “follow”. TikTok users can also opt out of viewing some types of videos or content from specific creators by tapping “Not interested” on the TikToks they don’t like.
  • Video information. Recommendations on the For You page can be based on the sounds, hashtags and captions that appear in TikTok videos.
  • Device and account settings. Language preferences and country settings are also signals to the For You page algorithm, i.e., users can expect to see some local content on the For You page.

This is what the For You page algorithm does not take into account when recommending videos:

  • El número de seguidores
  • Un historial de contenidos de alto rendimiento

Which is great news for beginners. If you play your cards right, you can go from zero (followers) to TikTok hero overnight.

So how can the algorithm in the For You Tiktok section work for you? Basically, entering this page triggers a sort of snowball effect:

  • Your content is recommended to users who are likely to enjoy it.
  • Users like, share or comment on your TikToks.
  • The TikTok algorithm takes this as a signal that your content resonates with people and surfaces it on more pages for you.

So how do we get this snowball rolling?

Know your audience

Since the For You Tiktok section is a collection of content that this social network believes users will enjoy… you need to understand who your audience is and what they like in order to reach them.

Check your TikTok analytics for details on the gender and location of your audience. If you’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of data to work with, use your Instagram analytics as a starting point (84.6% of TikTok users also use Instagram).

Then… start scrolling. Spend some time looking at TikToks to see what’s trending, and take a look at what your competitors (or other businesses in your niche) are doing on the platform.

Use your findings as inspiration. You may come across unexpected, but very successful content strategies.

Publish at the right time

Most of the videos in the For You Tiktok section are no more than a few days old. Therefore, to get the best results, you’ll want to know the best times to post on TikTok, that is, when your audience is already online and scrolling.

Here’s an article with the best times to post on TikTok, in which we tell you everything you need to know when choosing days and times for your posts.

But a lot depends on the activity patterns of your audience. So consider these times as a starting point and keep a close eye on your analytics to make your TikToks successful.

Uses trending sounds

Sounds are a ranking signal for the TikTok algorithm. Therefore, using trending audio clips can increase your chances of appearing on more pages for you.

If you’re not sure which sounds are trending, browse the Discovery tab or just spend some time scrolling through your own For You Tiktok section.

When you find a video with a sound you like, tap the sound icon in the bottom right corner. This will take you to the sound’s page, where you can see how many times it has been used and browse the top videos that include it.

React to trending videos

Sometimes, a random video explodes on TikTok, starting a widespread trend. And each new trend is a unique opportunity for brands to create timely, relevant content that shows how culturally connected they are to the TikTok audience. Not to mention, taking advantage of trending content can help you get on the “For You” pages of users who are interested in it.

Working with creators

Working with influencers can help you reach new audiences across all social platforms. On TikTok, it can also get you featured in the For You Tiktok section.

If you decide to collaborate with established creators, be sure to let them be themselves. In most cases, TikTok creators understand platform trends, inside jokes and bans better than brands, so ceding creative direction is likely to work in your favor.

A good way to get started with influencer marketing on the platform is to find creators who are already posting about your brand. Work with them to create unique content, like Chipotle does.

How to be featured in the For You TikTok section with creators

Knowing how to enhance interest

If TikTok’s algorithm sees that your video gets a lot of likes, comments and shares, it will recommend it to more viewers.

A smart way to increase engagement is to include a hook in your video that leaves your viewers asking for more (literally, asking for it in the comments).

You can also plant little inconsistencies in your videos, letting users have fun finding them and pointing them out – you guessed it – in the comments section.

Use the right hashtags

Like sounds, hashtags fall into the “video information” category of TikTok’s ranking signals. This means that, in theory, adding the right hashtags to your video can help you appear on more For You pages.

When you scroll through the For You feed, you may notice that many videos include the same hashtags: #fyp, #foryou or #fypシ.

The hashtag #fyp alone has 15,411.7 million views (yes, you read that right).

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